Our Vision
The university
The university functions as a forum where people with different visions and backgrounds meet each other. Visions that touch, but don’t always pursue the same goal. The university is a place where there is space for conversation and the search for truth is being held. The university is a place where all students, regardless of religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation or political colour feels at home and where everyone’s opinion is respected. The authenticity of Wageningen and “Wageningen people” is an important base for this space.
The students
Students are in a crucial phase of life to develop academically and gain interpersonal skills. It’s important to have an individual or personal vision in life that can positively impact the world. This vision is developed through knowledge acquisition, to have a practical contribution to the functioning of the world, and by developing positive attitudes relevant to society.
We believe that God has created this world and given us the responsibility to own and take care of all within it. Therefore, we are responsible for each other and the world. Our core values are reflection, responsibility, integrity, equality and sustainability. CSF wants to make a difference in the Student Council by focusing on the bigger story, the relation between humans and the world, goals and ideals, and money and values. With lessons from our Christian beliefs, we want to strive for a university where everybody’s belief has enough space.